This year, she said ahead of time that she would be a princess again. That was fine by me, as we had two suitable princess gowns, extremely elaborate gowns sewn by me (one so difficult to make that I now feel qualified to sew the girls' wedding dresses should they ever marry, assuming they'd allow their aged mother to be their couturier). I figured I didn't need to lift a finger. Iris's costume of choice was to be her cat, Frowstomatic the Immortal God, and later she decided to add a cape reading "Super Cat" and be Frowstomatic the Immortal God & Super Cat. She already owned a black cat cap, courtesy of our friend M's Bunnywarez, so instead of sewing her a catsuit, I lazily bought her a black turtleneck, black leggings, and a black marabou boa, which I shortened to tail length. (This was the first year I didn't sew her an elaborate costume, and I feel ashamed).

She went back to thinking it was a good idea to go trick-or-treating as her cat.
The orange fake fur was terrible to sew, a frustrating fabric, but I finished the costume in a timely manner, and the fit was great (I'd altered the pattern pieces to ensure a good fit). However, Lola was in tears last night. I probed as to the reason, and it turns out that she felt she couldn't be a cat for Halloween because she is a vegetarian. I suggested that she could be Fashion Kitty, the vegetarian cat with super powers and a flair for fashion and helping others. This soothed the sniffling child.

God, I am ready to resign my role as Halloween Costume Creator. Needless to say, with all the sturm und drang over Lola's costume, I had no time to make myself anything decent. I picked up a cute Venetian mask, and I'm going to wear a formal gown and my black Venetian mask and be myself, but at a masqued ball in Venice. (I did once go to Venice, but not to any masqued balls, alas, and I need to return. I love Venice, and also due to constantly climbing all those little bridges over the canals, I returned with thigh muscles of the gods, which sadly atrophied the next month when I was put on bedrest for premature labor).
The reference to princesses reminds me of my six year-old niece. She's inherited her father's penchant for scary movies and has resisted her mother's annual efforts to get her to dress up as a princess for Halloween.
One year, she went as the Incredible Hulk. This year, when her mom asked her whether she wanted to be a princess, my niece replied, "I want to be a werewolf... who eats princesses."
I guess it's hard to find a good, scary werewolf mask for a child.
thanks for the linky-dink!
have you considered submitting photos of your amazing costumes to the make magazine blog? I bet they'd love to see them.
I was lazy this year - at a party I was DJing on Saturday I dressed as a bellydancer and goth'd it up, and played desertronica music, then for Sunday's boat party I wore my tired old pink bunny costume - it's almost three years old and I have worn it a lot.
tonight, we're going to a play with the housemate and we're all dressing as goths. it's the laziest halloween (at least as far as costumes!) I can remember. then again, I've been known to go as a ghost, which is a great costume, because:
- no makeup
- easy to make (no sewing!)
- you can wear comfy shoes
- fun to act (say "wooooooo" and raise your arms)
- all the other ghosts are automatically your friends
just don't try to buy a white sheet from thrift stores or BB&B the week before halloween! sold out! and nothing is more dorky than a patterend ghost.
happy halloween! take photos!
I'm a huge fan of the goodwill for halloween costumage. I've never sewn a costume for my kids, and I never will...because I am "Slacker Mommy!!!"
Fear me.
But I did use your medusa costume, and it rocked, hard.
Halloween is my big creative holiday. I'm lazy drunken slacker mom over 300 days of the year, but for Halloween, I get busy. I'm glad, though, that the Medusa torch I lay down has been picked up by Spill the Beans! You go, snake girl!
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