That poor quality image was taken by me, using the tiny li'l camera on this computer (I am afraid to use the husband's overly elaborate digital camera, which technically belongs to his company). And here, to refresh your poor retinas, a higher quality image taken today by a four year-old who happens to be an expert user of Photobooth:

I'm so impressed by your bravery in getting a tattoo. I've wanted one for a couple of years now, but am scared of needles and not sure I could handle the pain. I have the design picked out and everything, but I just keep wavering.
I hope at some point I will finally take the plunge and do it.
great tatoo. spill, gettting a tattoo isn't as bad as you think. at least not for me. it depends, too, where you get it.
the other picture of lola is, um, disturbing. she looks like Princess Sparkle Pony (the blog).
:O! She looks like Chuckies girlfriend! D:
Tatoo's are cool but I'd never get one. I like bare skin.
Love the tattoo! Very pretty. My husband celebrated his 38th bday the day after Christmas, and for his gift I gave him a gift certificate to go and have some work finished up with artist. It's been so long since he's had any work, unless you count the detailed dragon he tattooed on his own leg. Nothing like inflicting pain on yourself! What he really wanted for his birthday was for ME to tattoo him, but I told him I need to practice on quite a few grapefruits before I'm ready for that. And I still don't know what it is I want to tattoo on him, since he said it's my choice.
Spill... I think everyone is different. I have seen women pass out, and others carry on as if they were enjoying themselves. I personally do not tolerate pain well. My husband gave me a tattoo a few years ago now. I jumped a couple of times so there is a line or two that needs to be touched up and I won't let him anywhere near the damn thing. It's on the lower right side of my back- which can be a tender spot.
btw... Mikaela was here with me yesterday and she wanted to know what was wrong with Lola.
Now our Vtpaperjunkie has had natural childbirth (the damn anesthesiologist didn't get up there in time to give her a mother's little helper) and didn't whine about it, so she's not the wimp she portrays herself at.
I think that it does depend on how much you want the tattoo and where you put it. Some areas of the body are less sensitive (the upper outside arm is a good place). I have a little one on my ankle which was AGONIZING, but a much larger one on my upper arm was like a walk in the park.
Actually, to tell the truth, the damn anesthesiologist forgot me, as told to me by the anesthesiologist who administered the epidural. Remember that I actually had it, and it failed while my body was processing more pitocin than any non-medicated pg mother would ever be given. When they received the call that my epi had failed, the anesthesiologist who administered (who was way over his shift) was encouraged to go home by the bastard who said he'd take over. The next day he learned that I'd not rec'd help and was mortified. He came to apologize, feeling badly that he didn't stay to see me through to the end. Funny enough, I actually made an appointment with the anesthesiologist weeks prior to delivery to discuss my options (something I'm told never happens in this area), and so happens that the anesthesiologist I met with was the same bastard who later forgot me! An absolute nightmare. I was livid, but like the calm before the storm... I let it go for 22 months. It was only then when I was in labor with Samuel that I was able to advise him of what would NOT happen this time around, as I reminded him of my first labor experience, and our history (or lack of) together.
uh, i stubbed my toe last week. i was the worst toe stub in history!!!!
Actually, Hughman, I think I have the worst toe stub in history story. Ha! Remind me to blog it sometime.
My youngest daughter Tiamat was very freaked out by the picture of your daughter LOL She stared at her for ages.
Wow you picked a tender place to get a tattoo! Then again, after experiencing childbirth... pain takes on a whole new meaning doesn't it.
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