Sunday, July 05, 2009


Two severely undersocialized kittens I was given to work with, along with my crack team of kitten tamers, Iris and Lola, escaped and are living in the guts of my dishwasher.


Missy said...

Thank you for reminding me what kittens are like; now that our two younger cats are getting sleekly fat and well-fed, the urge to get another darling kitten is sneaking in.

NonymousGoatsePants said...

Just as you can poach salmon in the dishwasher, so can you poach kitten! Delish!

After all, they don't call fish Sea Kittens for nothing!

Anonymous said...

Wait ... Iris and Lola are living in your dishwasher??? Must be crowded in there!

Silliyak said...

Think of the name possibilities, Rinse, Dry, Cycle, Pots and Pans,

the Drunken Housewife said...

I think they will be Rinse and Spin Cycle to me (and I don't care if "Spin Cycle" is more of a dryer term; one spent a day behind the washer and dryer, so that one will be "Spin Cycle").

Jules said...

I was kinda hoping for Pot Scrubber. Oh well.