Monday, January 11, 2010

plays well with others?

First grader Lola was upset when her older sister quit playing a game with her and burst into a room, handed Iris a note, and ran out. Iris looked at the note and said incredulously, "Lola just gave me a note saying 'Play another round or you go hell"!?" When that note failed to pay dividends, Lola acquired a huge poster-sized piece of paper and wrote, "ANOTHER ROUND OR GO HELL love Lola" in foot-tall letters.


Silliyak said...

It may have been more effective if it had been signed off by Audrey

Carol said...
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Carol said...

What a speller, and she remembered the love, this kid is going places!

Unknown said...

I am so not ready to be a parent because I would have laughed until I wept. Is that bad parenting?