7. Limited amount of money to spendThe last item, numbered #2, was heavily scribbled out. I asked Lola about this, and she said her father made her cross it out. I asked her to restore it, and it was
6. A chumum (surprise or choice) [note: a chumum is what the children call the spherical stuffed animals created by the Luby people]
5. Day without chore (for me)
4. Trip to Mel's (without Iris) [note: Mel's is a horrible local chain restaurant, modeled after Al's from "Happy Days". The children cannot get enough of it. I can't stand paying $8.75 for a formerly frozen garden burger]
3. I am king for day and you must obey me
1. I get served candy and Gak in bed ["Gak" is what the children affectionately call chocolate milk]
2. Break from Iris (Iris mustn't talk to me and I won't do stuff for her.)UPDATED: Lola has asked me to add another potential reward, "Being taken to see 'Tangled'", and she requests that the readers vote.
FINAL UPDATE: Lola was taken to see "Tangled", which she said was "better than I thought it would be!" She reportedly laughed out loud several times, and the chameleon was her favorite character. She wants to see it again.
I say number 3, as that would allow her to command that everyone do all of the other numbers, all on that same day.
well obviously #2.
#1 would be easiest for you to *do*. I assume that's not a priority for Lola, but it might matter to you!
I vote for the trip to see "Tangled". It's supposed to be really good.
I think I'll vote for Tangled because I've heard that it depicts a strong, competent female heroine (with which Lola certainly should identify) and if that outing does not also include Iris, there's an element of #2. PLUS (oh hey hey, here you go!) if the progress report was all that and more, you could always take along a really big purse from which, at the appropriate moment you could whip out a ceremonial pillow (probably not quite bed-sized) some favorite candy, and a container of chocolate milk. What the heck, maybe she could even be allowed to go to the movie wearing jammies just to add to the effect. Stopping at Mel's for a snack on the way home? Probably overkill
I vote for going to see Tangled, just the two of you.
I vote for Tangled.
Good job on your progress report, Lola!
I like the idea of serving her candy in bed. You could put it on a platter and do a fanfare. love, joyce
I vote for Tangled and copious amounts of candy - taken in a purse, of course, because kiosk prices are insano.
Good work Lola!
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