Sunday, September 07, 2014

becoming too special

My most majestic pet, the long-haired beauty, Frowst, requires daily doses of a morphine derivative due to hideous ulcers in his mouth.  The long-term plan is to extract more teeth (he's already had one oral surgery), but the medium-term plan is to keep him doped up on painkillers and hope he doesn't lose more weight.  (He gets special, appetite-tempting meals served to him, as well as a special medication aimed at increasing his appetite).

The Sober Husband is unsure about this.  "You are already his person; now you're becoming his pusher!  It's not going to be pretty"


May Rayelle said...

How is Frowst doing these past few days?

How are YOU doing these past few days?
You were in my dream.
In the dream, we had switched bodies & I was looking at my/your tattoo's. The reason I dreamed about you is probably because I marathon read most of your blog, backwards, while languishing in insomnia this summer.

Please write today.

By the way, I live in the desert, have 2 feral cats, no tats, get headaches, am depressed and married to an attorney who plays WOW instead of being with me.
In my backyard I dug a huge fire pit so that I have my own personal Burning Man cathartic outlet every so often.
I've been having fires every night this week.

Please write today.
How are you doing?

Marilyn Albright

the Drunken Housewife said...

Marilouise, your comment means so much to me! I am glad you found my blog and hope your fires are soothing your spirit.