But! The blog has come up recently a few times, and evidently it's not forgotten by others. I'm in physical therapy for a pesky knee injury, and during a session, my physical therapist asked me, "Do you blog?" Somehow she had found this blog and recognized its voice as that of her foulmouthed, chubby client. And one of my friends sent me a note the other day on Facebook, laughing because one of her friends, who doesn't even know me, had posted on Facebook about my blog. And one of Lola's friends asked several times, but then gave up, if I were still writing.
If I could create a new spin for this blog, I could move it into a new era. I was thinking of making it about my reading, but the world is so overpopulated with book blogs. I could make it more about myself, but I was never the most dynamic character around here.
In any event, for the loyal followers, herewith an update.
The increasingly dynamic Iris uber Alles has decided to leave high school two years early and is moving to the East Coast to attend college. Her parents are coping with this and extremely proud. She will be pursuing a degree in environmental studies, an excellent choice.
The ever-complicated Lola developed an obsession with the delightful game, Undertale, which has been described as "raising difficult, Kantian questions about our obligations and personal morality.. .But on an artistic level, Undertale places itself next to works like As I Lay Dying and Die Ehe der Maria Braun in terms of its ability to make us contemplate the dilemma-ridden moral choices that we have to make as human beings." http://www.popmatters.com/feature/undertale-and-immanuel-kant-ethics-in-video-games/
The Sober Husband is ever industrious, enjoying his current job at the height of Silicon Valley, where he endures such hardships as the one he shared last night at dinner: "The chocolate knob is broken on the FroYo machine by my desk." We jeered. I pointed out that he could walk to one in a different area, but he noted that he could muddle through by using the "mix" knob for a combination of vanilla and chocolate and then attempting to eat only the chocolate part. Cry for him, please. Also, he's developed some kind of hero worship of Henry Kissinger, and sharp words were exchanged over a recent article in Foreign Affairs which he felt offered a moral framework wherein Henry K. was just a delightful, wonderful fellow who always did the best possible thing but which I found evidence for my assertion that no, Henry Kissinger remains a war criminal who dodged prosecution.
Then you so much for coming back. I just happened to check in tonight. I have always admired your power and autonamy. I wish that I had your strength and balls when I was young!
Hmmm, my comment didn't appear. I try to do internets on the iPhone and I never succeed. Anyway, glad to hear from you! Also, I would love to hear your opinion on books. I know you read like a mad thing and I'm always looking for recommendations. I have found that I'm not very enamored by much out there, so would appreciate a thumb in the right direction.
Glad to see you post, I've followed (stalked) you for years.
Blogging is more satisfying than the empty calories on Facebook, but it's hard to attract eyeballs like you can on Facebook.
Hope you find a new platform/meme. I'd like to come up with something consistent as well.
Can we have Burning Man Updates at least? Caan
So glad I found your site! I admire your determined spirit to pursue what you feel and I'm so happy you are sharing this with us.
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